My perspective on ‘Sex Transmutation’…
My focus as a sexologist, is how to increase your sexual energy so you can utilize it for creativity, productivity, wealth, health and happiness.
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy we can harness and then focus to create an abundant life full of riches.
Sexual energy is linked to our first and second energy centers/Chakras. It is also directly linked to our hormonal balance, physical health and diet.
Without a healthy, pain-free, disease-free body, we can have difficulty generating sexual energy and manifesting wealth, health and happiness. First it is important to clean up these bodies, create a clear channel through which the energy can flow, feed the cells, and fortify the physical so the sexual energy can be awakened.
Secondly, it is necessary to address any emotional stress or trauma and address that, especially in how it relates to our sexual experiences, upbringing, beliefs, limitations, self-worth, self-confidence and self-love.
Thirdly, how can we stimulate our power center/3rd chakra, into action. How can we increase our sexual desire, what can we do to create more sexual energy?
Fourthly, and probably most importantly, is the heart center/4th chakra. Without clearing the first 3 chakras and increasing the energy there, the flow of sexual energy would be only a trickle. First we need to turn on the tap and then allow it to flow into the heart and from there out into our lives.
The heart energy transmutes the sexual energy into love and love heals all! That heart energy can be directed into your physical well-being, your emotional well-being, into your sexual connections, your communication with others, your intuition and your visualizations, to ultimately creating the life you love, wealth, the abundance you desire and to making this world a better place.
I have been working in the field of sex and love for over 25 years. I incorporate nutritional and hormonal advice, referrals to different specialists to help with physical issues, have co-authored a book on the energetics of nutrition with my life partner, “Electrical Nutrition” (published by Penguin Putnam in 2001), and written several other books – namely “Anti-aging and Health Benefits of Sex,” (a summary of the research I did for my PhD) “Soul Sex – a sexual adventure through the chakras,” (a story about a New Zealand girl traveling the world in search of sexual enlightenment) and “Dr Shelley’s A-Z of Sex” (insights and gems for a healthy, sexy life).
Music and movement are key components in my work especially when activating the sexual energy and clearing any physical, emotional or energetic blockages.
Having fun and enjoying this experience called life, is also another cornerstone. Working on ourselves can be a joyful experience. Creating transformational moments whilst actively ‘doing’ helps repattern the cells into new vibrations. That could be whilst making love, dancing, painting, making music, skiing, riding a motorbike, racing a car, being in nature, or taking oneself on an adventure.
Sharing those experiences with others on the same vibe helps to exponentially increase the positive results. Having a lover or friend, or mentor/guide can really enhance growth.
I am that guide and have a wonderful network of people I can refer you to.
I also create experiences for people based on their unique desires that help generate more sexual energy in their lives, then guide them to utilizing that energy for manifesting their dreams.
First it starts with us as individuals… our needs, our desires, our own sexual health. Then with an abundance of sexual energy flowing, that powerful energy can be directed towards whatever our heart desires, into our families, our communities, the world in which we live, and on out into the universe! We are all powerful sexual beings. It is time to take back our power, energize ourselves sexually, harness that power through the heart and create wealth, prosperity and abundance.
Dr Shelley
Inspired by a conversation with a person creating a movie on the “Mystery of Sex Transmutation,” based on the concept originally written about by Napoleon Hill in his book “Think & Grow Rich.” If you would like to sponsor me for this movie or contribute to it please contact me. This post was also inspired whilst dancing and connecting through the heart at the Joshua Tree Music Festival.