Love is the answer! Be love. Share love. Give love. The more you give the more you get back.
I am sure it was the love embodied by my girlfriend that helped them get out of a difficult situation. They were in Israel when the bombing started. Luckily her and her partner managed to get to the Jordan Border and expedited through customs and I am sure it is because she is such a beautiful being (inside and out) filled with love and who can resist that? That’s what the world needs more of. Empowered, love-filled beings.
Personally, I am over-flowing with love after a beautiful weekend at the Joshua Tree Music Festival – a gathering of love. Love for each other. Love of music. I also got to visit the Transmission Sculpture created to remind us that we are all rooted in love, unity and the divine.

We are all connected. The more we can share the love in our souls the better the world will be.
It is important to make sure our own reservoirs are recharged and reloaded, filled to the brim so we can overflow our self-love to others, all living creatures great and small, and this beautiful planet.
Nourishing our bodies with healthy food, drinking lots of good water, replenishing our souls with whatever feeds us. For me it’s being with the ones I love, eating healthy food and dancing to great live music. I had plenty of that this weekend! And for that I am super grateful.
The desert, life, can feel dry and parched, but it is also beautiful. We simply have to honor our surroundings and ourselves and give our bodies, hearts, minds and souls the nourishment they need to survive and thrive.
Take time to reflect on how you can build up your reservoir of love, how you can replenish your body with good protein, fats and healthy food. Tune in to your body and soul and listen to what it says. What do you need more of to be the best version of yourself, to fill your love quota, to be all you can be? Then recharge, replenish, refuel and LOVE!
Dr Shelley

Dr Shelley at the race track. Giving thanks.