I LOVE this pic (taken at Burning Man 2016)! Mostly because I love the energy of the male and the intensity of his orgasm! I feel this is seriously lacking in our society and would like to encourage men to truly FEEL their orgasms and EXPRESS their orgasms and be conscious about the energy of their orgasms being transmitted and shared with the recipient!
I sometimes get headaches and when I tune in to the energy of the headache it feels like stuck orgasmic energy in my head! This stuck energy sometimes happens when I energetically connect in with a lover and try to pull the orgasm in from the male and bring it up through my chakras and out the top of my head to then connect in with the universal energy and cosmos, which I love to do. However, most guys are not even aware of the energy they transmit or fail to transmit at the time of orgasm. And if they don’t orgasm or hold back on their orgasms, or do not consciously send their orgasmic energy through to their partner and beyond, then that can result in energy getting stuck in the body and also in a feeling of incompleteness.
So I encourage all you guys out there to truly ORGASM with your complete body, heart and soul, and visualize that orgasmic energy flowing through your partner and on out into the universe!!!!
Dr. Shelley