Some tips from Dr Shelley on how to stay health and happy during the Coronavirus Stay At Home situation…

First and foremost – do whatever it takes to keep yourself healthy and your immune system happy. That includes taking care of yourself sexually! As I wrote in my book “Anti-Aging & Health Benefits of Sex,” self-care, masturbation and pretty much any sexual activity helps keep us healthy!

Nutritionally, to keep my immune system strong, I take New Zealand Colostrum supplementation on a daily basis, liquid minerals, Vitamin C, plus eat lots of raw garlic, and drink hot ginger and lemon drinks… with a splash of whiskey – shows my Irish/Scottish heritage! Hot toddies were always recommended to keep the bugs away! Another product I have been introduced to and use several times during the day is Silvercillin. A spray that is an amazing anti-bacterial and anti-viral health promoter.

Plus daily infrared saunas, hot baths, and as much Vitamin D from the sun as I can muster. My daily ritual includes dancing naked in my back yard and soaking up the healthy sun rays. It has not been proven that the sun can kill viruses but it certainly helps me feel good! There are some online dance groups you can join in with. I enjoy the Dancing Farmer at noon (Vegas time) each day. Solidarity and a feeling of unity, knowing I am doing my bit for Nevada and the world, by staying home.
Plus eat plenty of healthy food!
Gratitude is also a good practice. To give thanks for yourself, your loved ones/support network, for the food on your table and shelter overhead. And to the health care workers, people staffing the supermarkets, and those fulfilling all the roles as first responders.
Remember what you focus your attention on is where you energy will flow so do your best to take time away from the TV/Media and focus on giving thanks for your health and wellbeing.

Find things to occupy your time with, apart from watching TV. Such as unfinished projects around your home. I finally got round to painting my new front door! A project I have been intending to do for several months now! And have been trying a few new recipes – some successful, some not!

I have got round to putting up pictures that have been sitting around for a while, and tidying up my backyard… and of course cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! And washing my hands like crazy!

If you have to go out to stock up with groceries, make sure you wear a mask and gloves and wash off packaging and veggies as soon as you get home. And thank the check out person!
These are all simple, basic practices. Just a matter of implementing them into our lives.

I am missing my world travel but appreciating all the wonderful memories of places I have been over the years. Today I am wearing a t-shirt my Goddaughter made me with flags from many of the countries I have been blessed to have visited.
I wish you health and happiness and stay home!!!! We will survive this!